VibeFX - Beard Detailing

Published on 05/11/21 / In VIBEFX

⁣VibeFX - Beard Detailing

⁣⁣Le VIBEFX : booster de bien-être et de satisfaction client
Le VIBEFX est un appareil de massage et de relaxation​​. Idéalement utilisé en combinaison avec de petites serviettes préalablement chauffées ou sans, il délassera la peau, les muscles du visage de vos clients. Appliqué sur les épaules, la base du cou, il viendra libérer le stress et les tensions.
👉🏻⁣VIBEFX: ⁣
⁣VIBEFX - It's a VIBE with THE HAWK⁣
Well-being and enhanced client servicing in your hair salon thanks to the VIBEFX!
Ideally combined with warm towels or on its own, the VIBEFX will relax your clients’ skin and face.
Applied to their shoulders, to the base of their neck, it will release stress and any tensions.
Having the VIBEFX in your salon will enhance the service that you offer and this will stand you out against somebody who just cuts.
Be the one that stands out!

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